We have availability November, December and January
What do we do?
Teamwork Advantage, Inc. is a leadership and teamwork training company like no other. We offer a unique program that relies on individual and teamwork challenges, trust building activities, military style obstacles and training, character education and instruction, team sports, focus groups and more.
The vast majority of our training is realistic and hands-on in nature. We employ the same strategies and techniques used by our military to develop effective leaders and strong teams. Our training program is designed to quickly transform youth, adults, organizations, clubs and companies into better teams, better citizens, and better businesses!
How do we develop teams and develop leaders?
Our training program teaches participants through hands-on experience that we all have strengths and weaknesses and are therefore equals regardless of our race, socio-economic background, region, or gender. Through our unique and multi-faceted programming, many desirable character traits emerge and are reinforced. Communication, cooperation, mutual respect and commitment become the norm in as little as one day. Humility, courage, integrity, compassion, self-control, and perseverance are additional traits that surface and effectively influence and change our participants. What participants experience and learn easily transfers to their home, school or work environment. Bottom line - our training program is dynamic, unforgettable and life-changing.
Founder and CEO
Our CEO, Dr. Roger S. Billings, is a retired military officer who holds several degrees and has over 35 years of experience in teaching, mentoring, teamwork training and leadership development.
He taught as an instructor for the U.S. Army and at the middle school, high school, community college and university level. The subjects he has taught include Military Leadership, Communications and Speech, Student Success, World History, U.S. History, World Geography, Economics, Sociology and Psychology.
Dr. Billings is also a Master Fitness Trainer
Professional Staff
We are staffed with former military professionals, physical fitness trainers and degreed counselors.
We also have lifeguards and emergency medical technicians on contract to support our activities that require such supervision. Additionally our facilitators are CPR and First Aid qualified and certified.
We are also looking for good people
If you are at least 18 years old with a clean record and are in good health, physically fit, and motivated to build teams and develop leaders, we may have a position for you in our company. If you are prior military that is a big plus and we do have a preference for veterans.
Although we have many leadership and teamwork activities at the ranch, our signature activity is the LRC.
The LRC is a low-level, military obstacle course that stresses teamwork, leadership and individual confidence. There are 12 obstacles in all - some are easy, some are moderate and some are - well - tough!
For the past 50 years our military has developed and used the LRC to train officers, special forces, combat soldiers and ROTC cadets at the high school and college level. According to our top military leaders, the LRC is the best course in the world to train teams and develop leaders.
Each obstacle is based on actual war-time situations that soldiers encountered in World War II, the Vietnam War and the Iraq/Afghanistan wars.
The names of the obstacles hint at the complexity and difficulty participants will face when trying to successfully negotiate them:
#1 Minefield
#2 Swinging Bridge
#3 Early Warning Device
#4 Rat Hole
#5 Bridge of No Return
#6 Cliff Climber
#7 Secret Device
#8 Escaping POW
#9 Gorge of Doom
#10 Tank Trap
#11 Blown Bridge
#12 Ammo Dump
We are located in Pierson, FL on the Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranch. We are just 12 miles north of Deland. The ranch is situated on 200 acres of pristine land and complete with a full range of accommodations and amenities.
We have cabins, activity centers, bath houses, a mess hall, a full size swimming pool, a basketball court, a volley ball court, a lake, an outdoor chapel, fire pits, a health clinic or nurse's station and more.
With regard to cabins, they are built solid and have electricity as well as heat and air from a window unit. They are rustic in nature and missing many of the comforts of a living room or bedroom. The bunk beds are hand built and secured to the wall for safety. Each cabin sleeps 16 and has a separate room for a assistant facilitator or facilitator. There is no technology in the cabins and portable devices such as phones, games and computers are not permitted at the camp site. The experience of staying in an open cabin with 15 other individuals is a new and humbling experience for most. The absence of technology is a challenge for many, especially for young people. This type of environment creates some physical and psychological discomfort – which promotes perseverance, cooperation and good old fashion face-to-face communication. We also offer the option to stay in medium to large military tents – which, of course, presents more hardship and opportunity for growth (no lights, heat or air, etc.).